After the first quantum revolution, which brought us modern electronic circuits, solar cells, atomic clocks, lasers, magnetic resonance imaging, electron and tunneling microscopes, etc., We are now witnessing a second quantum revolution, which will replace Shannon’s information theory with the broader laws of Quantum Information and Communication Technology (QICT), which will be integrated into the architectures of modern telecommunications networks to ensure operational performance, fault tolerance and cyber-security. The aim of this lecture is to present the second quantum revolution and its achievements, such as quantum computing and quantum encryption, in a popular way. In the first hour, after motivational challenges, a brief history of quantum physics will be presented. Basic QICT concepts such as the quantum bit (qbit) and technical solutions for its implementation will be defined. Furthermore, protocols for the implementation of quantum encryption will be presented.
- Introduction to quantum information and communication technologies
- How to use quantum particles to transfer data safely?
- How to perform Quantum Cryptography with photons?
- Engineering conclusions
Learning objectives
- To learn the basic concepts of quantum information and communication technologies
- Learn the basic concepts of quantum physics
- Understand quantum communications and quantum encryption
- Thinking about the quantum internet, experiments, solutions and current projects in Slovenia
- Know the standards in the field
Target group
The lecture is aimed at both the technically proficient and the general public with an interest in quantum technology.